Mylène Farmer close to a huge American star: the underside of their relationship born in Los Angeles

We had left Mylène Farmer last July at the Cannes Film Festival, delighted to participate in the jury of this most popular film event in the world, then announcing in stride her come back on stage for a gigantic tour titled Nevermore. Since then, true to her line of conduct, she was discreet. But, for issue 1500 of the magazine Galashe agreed to make some intimate secrets about her star status, a theme honored for the occasion.

In this interview during which the interpreter of the hits Libertine, XXL or The words traced her beginnings in show business up to her current life, Mylène Farmer notably mentioned the friendship she has with a huge Hollywood star… Indeed, she met in Los Angeles the actor George Clooney. Between them, the current quickly passed. “I met him at a dinner party. We exchanged a few words. The evening was simple, pleasant. We had a good laugh“, recalls the singer. Since the 1990s, she has divided her time between California, a true haven of peace where she preserves total anonymity and a home of “the west of Paris“, well known to fans who are waiting to see and talk to her.

Mylène Farmer, who could have seized the opportunity of her life in Los Angeles to pursue a career as an actress in parallel with singing, nevertheless remains attached to France; we can also sometimes cross it at the exit, with ease. “Hollywood is kind of fun. But it’s another planet. American stars have as much power as responsibility. George Clooney is a committed actor, aware of his time“, she adds. It is true that the former hero of the cult series Emergencies is a very committed man, especially against the war, he who has been warning for years about the dramatic situation in Darfur.

Not content with enjoying anonymity in Los Angeles, the singer reveals in passing that her Californian exile was beneficial because she was able to do something that would have been more difficult than in France when you have her notoriety: “I got my driver’s license there!

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