Mylène Chavas, goalkeeper, never far from the cages

During the Women’s Football Euro, the players of the France team confide in Fabrice D’Almeida, professor of contemporary history. How did they get to the top level? Answer with Mylène Chavas.

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Mylène has always been a goalkeeper. She started as a child never to change jobs. And the experiences she had in other sports never took her away from the cages for long. His entry into the France team was an opportunity to meet seniors, who gave him the keys to game vision and positioning. Among them, Méline Gérard is the figure she remembers. This thirty-something had been able to put her in confidence and gave her advice that was always useful. Team sports are thus seeing great transfers of experience.

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When she leaves the stadium, Mylène enjoys reading. The books aren’t just a distraction, she mostly finds food for thought about our world. His last reading? Animal Farm by George Orwell. A book that seems to him essential for meditating on power and human relationships. A fable that strongly resembles our society.

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