Kwei Carol Dube nin, Manawan nipe otcin ni Atikamekw iriniwin.
Hello, my name is Carol Dubé, I am from the Atikamekw nation, I come from Manawan.
So what could I wish for the coming year? Of course, health, for everyone, for you, your loved ones, my children… but that’s perhaps what everyone is already going to wish for. And there are still so many ills that my community suffers from, my Nation too, so sometimes it’s hard to be optimistic when I think about what I might wish for in the next year.
With the start of the playoffs in hockey comes the historic competition of Bruins fans against those of the Canadiens. And that too, like so many things, reminds me of Joyce, my wife gone too soon, too violently.
It’s no secret in our community: she was a fan absolute Montreal Canadiens, whereas I am a Boston Bruins fan. I let you imagine the teasing that took place in the house during the playoffs.
Of course, we were never mad at each other for that, we accepted our differences on some topics, while other aspects of our lives brought us together. All this in love. We had many things in common despite some differences here and there. Our differences also allowed us not to languish in a monotonous routine. We got out of our comfort zone, to talk, debate and laugh together above all.
It is with this reflection that I tell myself that leaving room in society for our differences is not synonymous with taking them away from others, it is rather accepting and understanding that despite our differences, we are capable of carrying out joint projects together. I’m talking about evolution, unprecedented changes in relations between non-Aboriginals and Aboriginals in Quebec, work that we must do now so that future generations can benefit from this wealth.
Last May, we accepted a medal to honor my Joyce “for her tremendous legacy to society and to all Indigenous communities”. So, it finally occurred to me to wish for the year 2023 that this legacy take shape.

Carol Dube
The Joyce Principle must be adopted. May his teachings survive his death. Those who have the power to adopt Joyce’s Principle must finally bring it to life so that Quebec can join forces with my dream, and the dream of the Aboriginal communities, of enjoying the best possible state of health.
There it is, the health I wish for us. That the Joyce Principle be adopted, but above all that we work together on common projects to respect life and the earth on which we all depend. It is time to live together in collaboration and in real mutual respect.
As Joyce would have liked, act together and open up to everything that is possible!
That being said, I would also like the Boston Bruins to win their seventh Stanley Cup this year.
Happy new year everyone.
The beautiful loving family of Joyce Echaquan wishes you a happy new year 2023.