“My wife is watching!” : Thierry Ardisson embarrassed by a joke by Laurent Ruquier

Laurent Ruquier and Thierry Ardisson have a long-standing relationship. Sunday March 13, 2022, the first received the second on the set of TV kids. The 73-year-old man in black came to present his new program, The hotel of time. The opportunity for the two old friends to reminisce in front of the many viewers of France 2.

Archive images are then shown on the screen. They date from the time when Thierry Ardisson received Laurent Ruquier on his cult show Everybody talks about it. “He took me to a fucking bar once. I had to pay a woman that I didn’t even make myself“, then confides the lover of Hugo Manos on this video of the time. It was then that Thierry Ardisson gave more information on this naughty evening: “A girl has been interested in Laurent all evening. Obviously when it was time to leave, Laurent left on his own, but he did something that I find wonderful. He said to himself: ‘Even if that poor girl lost her evening because of me’. He went to withdraw money to give it to him because he said to himself: ‘There is no reason…“Images that brought back funny memories to the duo.

Always in front of the cameras of France 2 in Children of TV, Laurent Ruquier notes that his sidekick seems rejuvenated. “You have found a clever trick to be rejuvenated! I will do it too“, he then launches. And Thierry Ardisson to reply: “But no ! The difference is that you are getting higher and higher!“Teaching, the host believes that”Thierry Ardisson is more and more homosexual“! Also amused, the star of the PAF formerly at the controls of Hello earthlings! don’t deny:It’s not false and more … I will say no more, my wife is watching!“There is no doubt that his wife Audrey Crespo-Mara is watching!

A good-natured exchange for a few times of small clashes. Remember that in October 2020, Laurent Ruquier was accused of having copied from his colleague by launching his show We are live. A forgotten story now!

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