My Shoes are red in playlist on France Bleu Normandie

On Friday April 1, France Bleu Normandie puts the group’s new single Mes Souliers sont rouges on the playlist. Discover the clip of this single “Maraicher mon ami”.

My Shoes are red take out their 8th album this Friday, April 22. Among the titles of this new opus, France Blue Normandy chose the song Market gardener my friend » to enter his playlist on Friday April 1st. So you will be able to find regularly this title son the branch of France Bleu Normandie.

The group Mes Souliers are red was born in 1991. Their repertoire is made up of traditional and Quebec songs. And on the stage, they carry the public through their catchy songs. In 30 years, they have traveled the world: Europe, North America, Australia.

On this new album, My Souls Are Red offer their audience original compositions and custom-written songs. Quickly discover the new single “Maraicher mon ami” while waiting for the arrival of the album on April 22. And the tour from April 29!

The dates in the region of the MSSR tour

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