My podcast is also making its mark on the planet

Building a podcast also has an impact on the planet. Étienne Monin traveled, used energy, released CO². So what is the imprint of “This is our imprint”? And how to compensate for it?

It’s a bit like a cooking recipe: taking the train, the car, using your smartphone and your computer, sending a lot of emails. The result is easily calculated, and the carbon footprint of this podcast is mainly based on the trips required to conduct the interviews, even if the team was able to avoid the plane. As for emails, contrary to what it is common to hear, they do not weigh very heavily, much less than watching videos for example.

After this assessment, the next question is: how to offset these carbon emissions? Specialized sites exist to repay debt to the planet, many even, but they too have their limits. For example, planting a tree in Colombia or financing a water filter in Laos gives a carbon credit, but what to do with it? Impossible to deduce it from the balance sheet of our company producing the podcast, franceinfo. It’s not allowed.

It is therefore best, as with all the objects deciphered in this podcast, to limit our consumption of all kinds as much as possible, to preserve the planet.

“C’est notre empreinte” is an original podcast by franceinfo, launched on the occasion of COP26. Find other episodes on the Radio France application and our partner podcast platforms.

Producer: Etienne Monin

Editor in Chief : Marina Cabiten

Director: Alexandre Manzanares and Pauline Pennanec’h

Mixing: Jean-Raphaël Pont

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