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Sandrine Rousseau, ex-member of Yannick Jadot’s campaign management, is the guest of France 2’s “4 Vérités”, Monday March 7.
Sandrine Rousseau was removed from Yannick Jadot’s campaign leadership following virulent remarks. “I think that the eviction was brutal and that I am not at all shooting against my camp, but on the contrary I am bringing to life a social, popular ecology. It is a bit what the primary environmentalists forced us to do “explains Sandrine Rousseau, ex-member of Yannick Jadot’s campaign management, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday March 7.
Is Yannick Jadot doing a bad campaign? “We can say to ourselves that 49% of an electorate is nothing, we can also say to ourselves that the fact that Jean-Luc Mélenchon rose after the primary is anecdotal, except that ultimately, all the electorate that I brought to political ecology now finds itself floating, undecided, even has changed sides”criticizes Sandrine Rousseau.
During a conference in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), Sandrine Rousseau declared: “It depresses me to do politics in Ku Klux Klan groups”. Ambiguous remarks which could be interpreted as targeting the environmentalist party. “It was clumsy on my part. It was obviously not EELV who was targeted, in any way”she acknowledges.