“My little finger tells me that we can get Emmanuel Macron out of the first round”, declares Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

“My little finger tells me that if the 46 million voters are going to vote, we can already get Emmanuel Macron out of the first round”, declares Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, guest this Wednesday of the presidential mornings of franceinfo. The candidate Debout La France, who is running for the third time in the presidential election, believes that “what happened to Lionel Jospin [en 2002] can happen to Emmanuel Macron” next April 10, because “People are sick of the campaign and what’s going on”.

He denounces “the sponsorship system”, “fairness of speaking time” reduced to two weeks since 2016, as well as “totally unequal financial means” between candidates, considering that “everything is done to re-elect Emmanuel Macron”which he describes as “public danger for France”. Moreover, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan does not undertake to necessarily recognize the result of the ballot, but specifies that this “depends on whether the French are going to vote massively”.

“I tell the French to go vote and thwart the trap of this rigged election. It’s up to them to destroy it.”

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

at franceinfo

The candidate Debout La France also refuses to comment on possible support for one of his competitors in the second round if he himself is not qualified. He who had signed a government agreement with Marine Le Pen on the evening of the first round in 2017, with a view to becoming his Prime Minister in the event of victory, maintains his “difference” with her competitor from the National Rally and with Eric Zemmour.

“I share with them the patriotism and independence of the nation, of course there are commonalities”recognizes Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, but “there is a difference in paths and visions of society”, listing in particular “the place of women, participation in business, social justice”but also his experience as mayor of Yerres, in Essonne, until 2017.

He thinks “be as firm as Eric Zemmour on the refusal of migratory submersion”but is said “assimilationist, not identity”. “I will never make a difference based on people’s first names”he launches, in reference to the proposal of his competitor to restore by referendum a law to impose French first names on future newborns.

“The other difference is that if I was in the second round against Macron, I would not be caricaturable like Eric Zemmour is.specifies the candidate Debout La France, and I would have a much better chance of winning”. In the event of victory in the presidential election, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan ensures that he “will govern with all those who want independence from France, whether they come from the left or the right”.

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