My involvement in the tram file

Since the start of 2022, following the election of a new team of elected officials at Quebec City Hall, I have clearly shared my doubts and my vision regarding the tramway project, which continues to move forward despite the flagrant lack of social acceptability.

After having analyzed it in depth and from every angle, I remain convinced that the realization of the tramway project carried out by the new mayor of the city would be a major disaster on the environmental, urban, social and financial levels. I consider that, following the example of what happened recently with the REM in Montreal, the City of Quebec needs a break to truly consult its population in order to analyze all the options and to choose the best project, at the best cost for our City.

Although I encourage and support all initiatives and citizen voices that are expressed for many good reasons that I share, I would like to point out that I am not part of any particular citizens’ committee, that I do not finance any recourse legal and that I will not be a candidate for any political party in the next provincial elections. I have met several citizens and groups of citizens, but my action is exercised in a completely independent and non-partisan manner.

My position is clear and publicly known, I express myself regularly and openly on my public Facebook page, in other media and social networks. I intend to continue my awareness-raising work, hoping that Quebec will give itself a break to reflect and do better. The beauty of our city is priceless. Let’s preserve our hundred-year-old trees, our urban heritage and above all, demand accountability for the final bill for the tramway project, which the citizens of Quebec, today and tomorrow, will all have to pay sooner or later.

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