“My home was raided by the FBI” indignant Donald Trump

Our nation is living in dark days, my beautiful home, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida is under siege and has been raided and occupied by numerous FBI agents“, said Donald Trump in a press release, this Tuesday, August 9. The former President of the United States claims to be the victim of a “political persecution.

If the federal police have not yet confirmed this operation, Donald Trump assures that the FBI has “strength“his safe. The search would concern official documents, sometimes classified, with which the billionaire left leaving the White House.

An open investigation

Last January, 15 boxes of these documents had already been recovered and An investigation has been opened from. In these boxes, letters from Barack Obama and the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a map of the United States which had been the subject of stormy exchanges with the American weather service, but also, according to the Washington Post, several documents marked “defense secret”. The National Archives assure that the Republican had no right to leave with these boxes. Under a 1978 law, every American president must send all of his e-mails, letters and other working documents to this agency, which is responsible for keeping them.

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