“My heart is bleeding”: Laeticia Hallyday devastated by the death of Robin Le Mesurier, guitarist of Johnny

The words of Laeticia Hallyday were particularly expected following the death of Robin Le Mesurier, the guitarist of Johnny Hallyday and a great friend of the family. The British musician – who died on December 22, 2021 at the age of 68 from cancer he had wanted to keep a secret – was even more than that. A full member of the Hallyday clan.

It is from the West Indies, where she is currently on vacation with her two daughters Jade (17 years old) and Joy (13 years old) and her companion Jalil Lespert that Laeticia Hallyday published a long message on her Instagram page. The widow of Taulier first expresses her immense sorrow. The death of Robin Le Mesurier is a real “shock” for her.

I was devastated and devastated by the news of our Robin’s departure. My heart has been bleeding since yesterdayr. He left in his sleep, without pain. But what a void it leaves and what immense sadness. We will miss him so much. It’s a shock. Robin was the quiet strength and anchoring of Johnny on stage, the one who reassured who soothed and who was always there with his natural benevolence for more than 23 years.“, begins Laeticia Hallyday.

Paying homage to Robin Le Mesurier cannot be done without talking about the music: “Robin was blues rock, that of Jimi Hendrix, John Lee Hooker or Eric Clapton. In 1994 Johnny was preparing an album in English, Rough Town. Their producer at the time, Chris Kimsey, introduced them. There was something obvious in this unusual meeting. From that day on, they will never leave each other … He had written two songs on this disc, he became the anchor of all of Johnny’s tours., De Lorada Tour at Stay Alive Tour, through the concert at the Eiffel Tower, more than 1000 shows, together on stage. They both loved each other so much like brothers in the face of life, they shared the same values ​​and the same musical references, they will have loved each other from life to death, after 4 years he had never succeeded in making his mourning..”

The pain is all the greater for Laeticia Hallyday as she had recently seen Robin Le Mesurier in Los Angeles, on the occasion of the release of a documentary on their American tour in 2014 called My name is johnny (available since December 10). Robin Le Mesurier had made a point of being present, with Laeticia but also with Jade and Joy. “We were still together just a few days ago in LA. And today he’s gone. Leaving an immense void. It is extremely painful. It’s still a piece of Johnny who is leaving … With my daughters we are deeply affected by this departure …“, writes the companion of Jalil Lespert.

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