“My health is priceless”: Wejdene reveals strange message after DALS

On October 22, TF1 broadcast a new premium of Dance with the stars 2021. And, at the end of the evening, it was Wejdene and Samuel Texier who were eliminated from the competition. Two days later, the singer worried her subscribers by posting mysterious messages on Instagram.

But what has happened since the famous bounty of Dance with the stars ? Wejdene and Samuel Texier presented a rumba on the title Personal message, by Janie. Despite her good performance, the 17-year-old singer failed to reach 30 points to get out of the hot seat. She could not therefore avoid the face to face and, unfortunately for her, he precipitated her elimination. “I had wonderful weeks. I learned a lot of things and I would say that I grew a little bit because I learned to take on myself, to be patient and to dance, which I did not know how to do at all. I discovered a little potential“She said after the results were announced. A disappointment for her fans.

And if the latter hoped to be able to continue to follow his adventures on social networks, it is not. On Sunday, Internet users noticed that Wejdene had deleted all of her photos. There is nothing left but a simple publication on his news feed, on which we can read: “It was cool but, forget about me.“If some think it is a simple communication blow for her tour, others were worried. And one of the messages that she then published in story did not reassure them.”My health is priceless. My tour will be the only one.“The young woman then let her fans and her team know that she loved them. A way for her to announce that she will end her career because of her health? For now, the mystery But if it is indeed a simple communication blow, it is clear that it works because many people are talking about it.

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