“My dear sister was a collaborator”, tongues are loosened on acts of collaboration with “the enemy”

Once their towns and villages were liberated after several months of Russian occupation, the stories of “cooperation” with the Russians emerged.

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Eight months ago, when Russian troops took over the city of Kherson in southern Ukraine, Vitaly lost his job and his salary. We had to survive.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the situation live

But if he had to flee, it is mainly because of his sister, with whom he shared the apartment. “She wanted to take the opportunity to live there alonesays Vitaly. She called the Russians and they came nine, with machine guns. They knocked on the door, they thought I wasn’t there, so they left. I left the house the next day. Imagine: my dear collaborating sister!”

In her recently liberated village of Oleksandriska, in central Ukraine, Nina cannot believe having seen so many neighbors switch so easily to the Russian side. “There are quite a few women who collaborated with them, who did their little business with them“, she describes.

“There are collaborators who took advantage of the presence of the Russians to also steal from the neighbors.”

Nina, resident of Oleksandriska

at franceinfo

Going to get humanitarian aid, she says she was struck to see these “collaborators” look her straight in the eye “without any regrets”.

In Ukraine, the law passed at the beginning of the invasion punishes “from 10 to 12 years old” whole jail “cooperation” with “the enemy”. In the country, trials are multiplying to try those who have collaborated with the Russians.

War in Ukraine: Tongues are loosened over acts of collaboration with “the enemy”. Report by Gaële Joly and Laurent Machietti

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