“My daughter insisted a lot”: This fashion to which Carla Buni gave in …

At 54 years old, Carla Bruni multiplies the hats: former first lady, ex-model, singer, mother and, recently, apprentice TikTokeuse! After launching an account that wasn’t her own, she finally joined the trendy social network last November. And she owes it to her daughter …

In the pages of the newspaper Monaco Morning, Carla Bruni spoke about her debut on TikTok and made some revelations. “In fact I became TikTokeuse because my daughter insisted a lot with doggedness. I told her I couldn’t go on TikTok at 53 [elle a soufflé une bougie de plus en décembre, NDLR], that it’s something for young people“, she confided. If she therefore gave in to the request of Giulia, her daughter born from her marriage to Nicolas Sarkozy, it is also because she had been touched to see many users resume her tube Someone told me. “Seeing these countless covers (…) I signed up. All these young people who sing my song, deep down, it was their parents who listened to it“, she added.

Happy to see that she is capable of reaching several generations, Carla Bruni is not exempt from criticism, especially on her voice. But there is no question of getting upset or pointing out. “Frankly, I don’t have the voice of Billie Holiday either! But my voice has improved a lot because we can work on it and progress. These reviews don’t bother me. You know, I don’t care what people say about me, I never think about it. It’s curious, maybe it’s narcissism but that doesn’t interest me. I find that I am already so lucky, it is normal that people do not like my voice (…) And the criticisms, basically, can be constructive (…) It is an enrichment for me, even if of course I prefer that we love my voice“, she reacted.

Carla Bruni does not really have to worry about the subject since she maintains a fan base that always responds when she releases albums. Since her debut in music in 2002, she has released no less than seven records!

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