“My condition does not allow me …” Pascal Obispo speaks after his discomfort

The first words of Pascal Obispo, after his discomfort that occurred yesterday, were particularly expected. The 56-year-old singer chose to speak on his Instagram page, to thank all those who sent him messages, to apologize to his fans but also to tell them that he was forced to cancel several shows. future.

Thank you very much for all your messages which go straight to my heart. Here is mine to reassure you about my state of health, much better than yesterday. I’ll be back on the road as soon as possible. I am deeply sorry for this concert and this missed reunion last night in Toulouse with @ 100pour100radio but I did not say my last word. You know me, I am not a man to give up. We will do this concert, just like the ones this week, but a little later because As I speak to you, my condition does not allow it“, he begins his message. Doctors have put the singer on” forced rest “and that is why he is forced to cancel his performances in Bordeaux, Marseille or even Reims.

As for the Telethon, a great event which is very close to his heart, Pascal Obispo still has the hope of being restored to participate: “I also made myself a joy and a duty to be there on Saturday for the @telethon_france so important for research and my little Eugenie @caroline_couedel, among other children who need us so much. I will do anything to be there!

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