“My candidacy is absolutely useless”, deplores Jean Lassalle, who “strongly plans” to withdraw


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Presidential candidate Jean Lassalle told franceinfo on Tuesday that he wanted to “sound the alarm”, after explaining to local elected officials that he was considering withdrawing from the race for the Élysée.

“I no longer know if I am serving my country or betraying it because I pretend to be a presidential candidate”lamented Jean Lassalle to franceinfo, Tuesday March 15. “I don’t know if I will still be a candidate tonight, because this election no longer has any meaning”he confided, a few minutes earlier, to local elected officials gathered in Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine). If Jean Lassalle “strongly consider” to withdraw from the race for the Élysée, it is in particular because he was not invited to the program organized Monday evening on TF1 with eight of the twelve candidates for the election.

“This is the supreme election of one of the greatest countries in the world, and look, there are two unfortunate debates left [télévisés] to which I will not be invited”he was moved in front of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), the Association of Departments of France (ADF) and Regions of France. “I would have liked to give a more solemn character”he regretted on franceinfo at the end of this intervention.

“When you no longer arouse any feelings, you have to ask yourself if the people who mandate you still arouse them or if, by chance, the ‘yellow vests’ to which we have not responded or the anti pass and many others who are so angry aren’t kinda right.”

Jean Lassalle, presidential candidate

at franceinfo

He returned at greater length to the reasons which led him to express his doubts. “Everyone knows that my candidacy is absolutely useless, like most of the others. From the moment you start lying to your own country, the one you have chosen to serve passionately, you have to ask yourself a few questions.” It was therefore time, according to him, to “sound the alarm” because “what is happening in our country right now is not working at all”.

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