“My biggest challenge and my biggest priority will be the youth”, assures the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak

“My biggest challenge and my biggest priority will be the youth”, said Thursday, September 1 on France Culture Rima Abdul Malak, Minister of Culture. Its priority mission will be access to cultural offers for young people: “It will not only go through the Culture Pass”, she pointed out. According to her, “there are plenty of other ways to reach young people at school through artistic and cultural education”.

For Rima Abdul Malak, the school has a role to play: “The teachers are very committed to developing culture at school. This issue of youth is crucial for me, since they are the audiences of tomorrow. When you see our magnificent fabric of cultural venues, theatres, museums, cinemas, theaters, bookstores, we have to ask ourselves, in twenty years, thirty years, who will frequent them”she explained.

Furthermore, Rima Abdul Malak attempted to define the “cultural macronism” as a vision of culture that brings together heritage and creation by highlighting “the cultural sovereignty of France”, especially in the face of the hegemony of digital platforms: “One of the historic turning points of the previous five-year term is to have forced the Netflix and Amazon platforms to contribute to French audiovisual cinematographic creation, therefore to put a minimum of 20% of their turnover in French production. is really for me as important as the creation of the National Center of Cinema after the war”she said.

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