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Artisanal mustard “made in France” has recently experienced a revival of activity. It is also the only one that can be found on store shelves. Behind, it’s a whole industry that benefits.
It has not completely disappeared from the stalls. Mustard, which has become so precious since the episodes of shortage, takes pride of place in a Parisian grocery store. “Some customers came just for a jar of mustard, then left with just one item”, testifies Bastien Gautier, manager of the Champs Libres grocery store. This is produced in Seine-et-Marne. For more than 30 years, Patrice Boudignat has been growing seeds on the land of his ancestors. The July harvest was successful.
Thanks to his artisanal mustard, the entrepreneur does not know the crisis. The shortage of seeds from Canada enabled him to triple his turnover. Ghislain Durand also took advantage of it. This chef converted into a mustard maker three years ago. In his workshop in Castelnaudary (Aude), the mill is running at full speed. Since last year, its production has tripled. He now produces a ton of mustard a month.