Music: vinyl is making a comeback


Video length: 3 mins.


Article written by

B.Garguy-Chartier, Z.Berkous, L.Harper, E.Brouillard, B.Coene, A.Dufaut, N.Beddiaf, F.Cardoen, INA – France 2

France Televisions

Vinyls confirm their return to stores. We bring out the turntables at home and the sales of 45 and 33 rpm records continue to grow.

Such a singular sound, that of the record spinning on its turntable. In the all-digital era, the black cake takes its revenge. The vinyl market is popular. At the end of the 1940s, 33 and 45 rpm records appeared in the United States. Ten years later, in the cafes, it’s the madness of the microgroove. On the jukeboxes, we discover the jingle. This fashion phenomenon is sweeping over France. In the first record fairs, some are ready to take out their wallets.

Production restarted

Today, vinyl is a hit in stores. Unearthing rare speaks is not an easy task. jalal Aroa collector for 30 years, explains that what makes the “rarity of a disc” is here manner of which “it was recorded”. The craze also revived production. In a factory in Vendée, 800 records come off the presses every day. Vinyl is also becoming trendy on social networks.

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