Music: Taylor Swift, the singer of all records


Article written by

C.Guttin, B.Laigle, C.Airaud, F.Bohn, E.Challat – France 2

France Televisions

American country singer Taylor Swift has become a revered teenage pop star. She has just accomplished the unprecedented feat of classifying the ten songs from her latest album in the top ten places of the American ranking.

Singer Taylor Swift has just classified ten of her songs in the top ten places of the American top. A historical record. The release of his new album, the lyrics of which were displayed on billboards in Times Square, New York (USA), even created a giant outage on the Spotify streaming site. The reason ? Too many downloads at once, by often ecstatic fans.

Taylor Swift is the story of a teenagernt who leaves her native Pennsylvania to pursue her dream of becoming a country singer in Nashville, Tennessee (United States). At 16, she performed on stage and signed her first very personal songs. The public is quickly conquered. The artist, author, composer and interpreter, connects the albums. Her style evolves: she goes from princess of country to queen of pop. She explodes all records, with more than 500 awards for her work. Taylor Swift seduces all audiences.

If the artist seduces white and conservative America, she does not however hide her progressive opinions. She notably defends the LGBT community, and has posted on social networks her support for Joe Biden for the presidency.

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