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The rain has been back for a few days, to the delight of the mushroom pickers, even if the heat wave and the drought have left their mark. Reports at aggressivenessin the Ardennes, Wednesday 28 September.
A full basket of porcini mushrooms to leave: on the morning of Wednesday, September 28, the mushroom harvest was good in the forest ofaggressiveness (Ardennes). More than ten kilos of mushrooms were collected in less than half an hour. And yet, it was laborious at first. Appointment had been given in a forest mainly populated by conifers, but there was too much freshness and not enough water in the middle of pines and firs. The pickers have long been empty-handed, even if other walkers crossed by chance had had the luckiest hand.
The gatherers tracked by 12/13 then changed forests, which benefited them. They were indeed able to pick magnificent ceps. The opportunity to reflect to how eat these porcini mushrooms when you get home. “We will surely make them with a piece of meat”explains a picker. Mushrooms need moisture and heat. With the lack of water this summer, the season is just beginning.