Museum of Culture Basel
The Museum der Kulturen Basel is one of the most important ethnographic museums in Europe. The reserves, known worldwide, include more than 340,000 objects.
To present and reposition part of it regularly, the two permanent exhibitions are accompanied, each year, by several temporary exhibitions.
With current and daily themes, they highlight the various cultural dimensions present in the four corners of the planet. Visitors will thus be able to take another look at the world.
Museum of Culture Basel
Munsterplatz 20
4051 | Basel Switzerland
+41 61 266 56 00
Website link: Museum of Cultures | In (
No culture without animals
From 08/27/2021 to 11/20/2022
For a long time, the relationship between man and animal was considered unequal, the superiority of man as a fact. This image has changed. The exhibition – which is part of a cooperation between four Basel museums – shows aspects of the relationship between humans and animals.
Happy Holidays !
Christmas and New Year cards
From 18/11/2022 to 08/01/2023
For nearly 180 years, we’ve been sending special cards to family and friends at Christmas and New Years. Handmade or printed, they allow us to wish Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, to spread joy and hope for the future. In the business world, they are used to maintain good relations with one’s professional network. Using examples from the museum’s collection, the exhibition shows the continuity and evolution of Christmas and New Year’s cards, which still offer insight into social circumstances.
The universe of Buddhas
From 20/11/2020 to 22/01/2023
— Extended until 2023! —
Why is Buddhism so popular? What meanings are associated with the notions of karma, samsara and nirvana? And what does spiritual practice look like? The exhibition explores these questions and shows the many facets of Buddhism. From the museum’s collection, she transmits Buddhist teaching, forms of representation and practice.