Muscular arrest in Quebec: the family wants to continue

The Pacific Niyokwizera family requested the services of a lawyer for a lawsuit against Quebec City or a police ethics complaint following the muscular arrest of the young man on Friday.

“All options are on the table, whether we’re talking about police ethics complaints or even a civil lawsuit against Quebec City for the way the officers acted and treated him,” To have to Me Fernando Belton.

The Montreal lawyer went to Quebec on Monday after being contacted by the big brother of Pacifique Niyokwizera. He met the family in the late morning with anti-racist activist Renzel Dashington.

Me Belton says he is convinced that this is a case of racial profiling. “The gentleman did not receive a ticket, he did not receive a summons to appear for an illegal act he allegedly committed. For now, it seems like a completely free gesture on the part of the police, ”he said.

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