Muriel Robin pregnant in the past, a pregnancy that turned tragic: “I think about it often, inevitably”

Not having had children is surely the biggest regret of his life. Interviewed in 2015 by The Parisian, Muriel Robin had revealed her desires for motherhood that she had never been able to satisfy during her life. Now 66, the film actress The Visitors 2 explained that when she was still a very small girl, she already dreamed of nursing and pampering her baby.

Very altruistic, the wife of Anne Le Nen even preferred to adopt a child rather than make a baby by herself. The cause ? Save orphans or children abandoned by their parents. “At the age of 12, I was sure that I would adopt because I have a practical side and I was like “Why am I going to make one (childt)there are those who want love, I’m going to take a ready-made one”, she confided with great humility.

I was pregnant once

As the years passed, the actress (real name Muriel Marie-Jeanne Robin) finally found love and got pregnant. Unfortunately, Muriel Robin experienced one of the worst trials for a woman, that of having a miscarriage and losing her child. “I was pregnant once. I had a miscarriage. Today I think about it often, inevitably. I will have a big boy or a big girl. My life would have been completely different.

Melancholy vis-à-vis this child she never knew, she admitted that the fact of not having been a mother was one of the greatest sorrows of her life. “I think I’m terribly motherly. Next time I will take the ‘life with child’ optionIt’s certain.” she confided.

Sad and often nostalgic in relation to motherhood, Muriel Robin was nevertheless able to find comfort in love with the actress who has shared her life for many years. If she has been in a relationship with men and with women, it is Anne Le Nen who truly fulfills her. “Today I’m with a woman because I found the right person“, she revealed with love.

Who knows, Muriel Robin may decide to adopt soon with his wife?

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