Muriel Robin, Pierre Palmade, Anne Roumanoff… Stars of humor in Sketch Story, 1st images

It is an exceptional evening which has been concocted by France 2 for its viewers, on October 8th. In addition to Favorite comics of the Frenchthe channel has once again bet on humor with an original creation called Sketch Story. And once again, it is Laurence Boccolini (arrival in 2020 after leaving TF1) who will be at the helm of this program which has brought together many emblematic personalities.

Many are indeed the personalities to have responded positively to the call of the production (Carson Prod / Franck Saurat) to participate. It must be said that this ambitious project makes you want to. They had the opportunity to reinterpret their most famous sketches – or those of other comedians or artists – in short fictions. The opportunity for the public to discover them as they have never seen them.

As you can discover in the slideshow, Muriel Robin has found, not her lifelong sidekick Pierre Palmade, but Vincent Dedienne for the sketch Driving license originally played by Pierre Palmade and Michèle Laroque. It tells the story of a couple who have to visit friends for an anniversary. The woman takes the wheel and the situation quickly becomes complicated, which causes tension.

Pierre Palmade was in duo with Baptiste Lecaplain for the sketch Gerard and Toinette whom he knows well for having played it with Michèle Laroque. This time, the fiction lovers have a dinner with their friends Gérard and Toinette. But the husband forgot and was not at all enthusiastic about receiving them, thus accusing his wife of not having warned him. Another duo that will hit the mark for sure: Liane Foly and Bernard Montiel for the sketch The after dinner (by Sylvie Joly) in which the woman makes it clear that she spent a terrible evening once in the car with her other half. And she does not hesitate to criticize the guests at all costs.

For his part, Jeanfi Janssens was associated with Anne Roumanoff for the sketch social cocktail of the latter. She presents to the person who accompanies her many personalities without failing to swing tackles about them in passing. Anthony Kavanagh, Sonia Imbert and Nordine Ganso were gathered for the sketch daddy i am gay de the comedian of 53 years. The latter imagines what would have happened if he had announced to his father that he was homosexual.

Elodie Lice was also there for the Sketches In-laws with Odelaf and that of bitches with Christine Chollet and Lola Dubini. And Roland Magdane found Thais Vauquieres for his sketch Letter to mom the typist. The sketches The train to Pau of Chevallier and Laspalès, hairdressers of the Knights of Blight or Madame Sarfati: Hello police by Elie Kakou will also be honoured.

In addition to fiction, personalities took to the stage of the Dôme de Paris to present their funniest sketches on stage. Laurence Boccolini had the pleasure of welcoming Kev Adams, Elodie Poux, Roland Magdane, Les Bodin’s (duo formed by Vincent Dubois and Jean-Christian Fraiscinet), Les Chevaliers du Fiel (composed of Éric Carrière and Francis Ginibre), Anthony Kavanagh as well than Anne Roumanoff for this crazy evening.

See you on October 8 to discover Sketch Storythe new France 2 broadcast, from 9:10 p.m.

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