Murders of the Falduto Brothers | The lawsuit calls for 15 years in penitentiary for Marie-Josée Viau

The prosecution asked Wednesday morning for 15 years in penitentiary for Marie-Josée Viau, convicted by a jury on November 7 of having conspired and committed the unpremeditated murders of brothers Vincenzo and Giuseppe Falduto.

Daniel Renaud

Daniel Renaud

The observations on Marie-Josée Viau’s sentence, which began Wednesday morning at the Gouin Judicial Services Center in Montreal, were marked by the moving testimonies of several members of the Falduto family.

“This woman has destroyed our lives. We will never have the chance to say goodbye to Vincenzo and Giuseppe. I don’t have a body on which I can cry, ”said the ex-wife of one of the two murdered brothers.

The two brothers, who were linked to the Mafia according to the evidence, were killed by a hitman on June 30, 2016, in the garage of the property of Marie-Josée Viau and Guy Dion in Saint-Jude, near Saint -Hyacinth.

The theory of the prosecution was that Viau and Dion were aware that the murders would be committed on their property that day and that they then burned the bodies in the open air before removing all traces of the crime, which the two accused denied under oath during their testimony.

The fact that the bodies could never be found was deplored in all the testimony of members of the Falduto family read and heard on Wednesday morning.

“Madame Viau robbed our family in several ways.

We don’t have a cemetery to visit. She did not have enough heart to at least leave us the bodies to allow us to have peace. She made them disappear as if they never existed. A mother doing this should scare everyone. It has destroyed us to the point where we have no words to explain the damage. She expressed no remorse.

We inherited a life sentence of misery, ”wrote the brother and sister of the victims.

“How could she have done such cruel actions on two children?” I wonder if Mme Viau has a heart and a conscience, ”added their mother.

Hearing these words, and those of the other witnesses, Marie-Josée Viau burst into tears.

The killer turned mole

Viau and Dion were arrested in the fall of 2019 after the hitman who killed the Faldutos began collaborating with the Sûreté du Québec and recording the couple without his knowledge.

Originally, Marie-Josée Viau and Guy Dion were accused of conspiracy and first degree murders of the Falduto brothers. Guy Dion was found not guilty on all counts by the jury.

In the hours following their arrest, Marie-Josée Viau and Guy Dion confessed to the investigators, which were however declared inadmissible by Judge Éric Downs of the Superior Court, because the magistrate, among other things, ruled that the right to the lawyer had not been respected.

To reach Daniel Renaud, dial 514 285-7000, extension 4918, write to [email protected] or write to the postal address of Press.

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