Murders of children in Wendake: the DPJ given formal notice for $2 million

The mother of the two little boys killed in October 2020 in a residence in Wendake is issuing a formal notice for $2 million to the Department of Youth Protection (DPJ) and the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

• Read also: Murders of two children in Wendake: a trial set for the fall

• Read also: A mother cries out for help for her son accused of killing her children

Émilie Arsenault had already made reports to the DPJ. She alleged that her ex-husband could be dangerous for himself and for his children.

She had fears when Alex, 2, and his brother Olivier, 5, were left alone with their father.

“I was not sleeping peacefully, I was stressed. I was always on alert. I kept my cell phone near me. […] You can never guess that something like this is going to happen. Regardless of the situations that have arisen before,” said Ms. Arsenault in an interview with “Québec Matin” on Monday.

His reports not taken seriously

Émilie Arsenault gives formal notice to the DPJ and the Ministry of Health, because she believes that her three reports to the DPJ have not received the treatment they should have received.

“The denunciations were not taken seriously. Processing times too. At 2and reporting, I was notified 60 years later that it was not going to be taken care of. The investigator told me it would be done. And the 3and report, it took 30 days and we did not take care of it, ”lamented the bereaved mother.

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Lionel Carmant, had also commissioned an investigation report to shed light on the sad events.

The father accused of the murders

On October 11, 2020, the small bodies of Alex and his older brother were discovered by the police in a house on rue Chef-Nicolas-Vincent.

A few hours earlier, the father of the two children had gone himself to the Victoria Park police station to speak to the police.

The suspect, Michaël Chicoine, has since been charged with two murders on the 2and degree.

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