Murders in paradise: A flagship actress leaves the series, heartbreaking farewell to her comrade…

Big change coming in murders in paradisethe successful series broadcast on France 2. Indeed, one of the main actresses is about to leave the soap… again. This is Joséphine Jobert, who plays Florence Cassell. A departure that should surprise viewers in the eleventh season, currently airing in Great Britain.

She had already left the series in 2019. This time, the departure is final. And this absence of Florence Cassell from the island of Sainte-Marie is explained: she dumps everything to become an undercover agent. Near DigitalSpy, actress Joséphine Jobert talks about this unexpected choice. “I think it’s good for my character to leave for goodshe confides before evoking the difficult times through which her character has gone. She was shot, and she nearly died the second time. She lost her husband and is still grieving, but she is getting better and better.

On his return to murders in paradise, Florence Cassell had met a new principal investigator baptized Neville and camped by Ralf Little. During their final episode in the soap opera, the duo offers a moving scene. “I suppose you’re going to leave now? But you always knew that, right?“, he asks. And the young woman replies: “JI think so, but you’ve helped me so much this past year. If I’m going to start living again for good, it has to be somewhere else. Where there are no ghosts.“A difficult start for Neville, who had then fallen under the spell of the beautiful Florence Cassell…

Actress Joséphine Jobert, starring in Lightning a few years ago, seems to be drawing a line under murders in paradise, much to the chagrin of viewers who had become attached to his character. However, she does not leave the world of cinema for as much. Indeed, she remains an actress and says she is interested in scriptwriting and production. Why not go to the other side of the camera? To be continued…

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