Murder of Thomas Trudel | “It’s terrible to see a little 16-year-old guy get shot in Montreal”

In order to curb street gangs, Ottawa must ensure “that there are fewer firearms” and Quebec must increase the number of police officers, Prime Minister François Legault argued during a meeting. press Thursday. The latter said he was “wordless” in the face of the death of the 16-year-old teenager, killed last Sunday in Montreal.

Florence Morin-Martel

Florence Morin-Martel

“We must stop that, reiterated François Legault, during the press briefing on another subject. It’s terrible to see a little 16 year old guy get shot in Montreal. Last Sunday, Thomas Trudel was shot dead a stone’s throw from his house, in the Saint-Michel district. The Prime Minister went to lay flowers on Thursday where the teenager lost his life. “I am speechless. It’s infinitely sad, ”he wrote on Twitter.

The murder of Thomas Trudel is part of “a wave” of violence linked to street gangs, argued Prime Minister Legault. It is time to “clean up”, he said, during the press briefing on the revival of hockey in Quebec.

Asked about the involvement of the provinces in the fight against firearms, Mr. Legault argued that banning handguns was “federal”. Trudeau government “must make sure there are fewer guns “, While Quebec must take care of” adding police officers “, he stressed. An announcement is expected to be made on November 25.

Regarding hockey, the Prime Minister stressed that sport can help fight crimes related to street gangs. “It’s healthy, sport is proven,” he said. It helps to be successful in school and to give some discipline in life. ”

“Difficult period” for the students

In a statement sent Thursday to media representatives, the Joseph-François-Perrault school asked journalists to stop approaching students from the establishment attended by Thomas Trudel.

“It’s a difficult period for them and they want to be able to leave school without having to be called upon to answer the various questions,” wrote Alain Perron, the school’s public relations officer.

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