Murder of Sophie Le Tan: A survivor of Jean-Marc Reiser recounts a chilling scene

This June 27, 2022, Jean-Marc Reiser is on trial for the assassination of Sophie Le Tan on September 7, 2018. According to his version, he says he killed her during an argument that went wrong in his apartment. That same apartment Betsy escaped from. The TF1 cameras met her and asked her about her painful memory with the man who killed a young woman like her shortly after. Betsy considers herself a survivor, now that she knows the man she met is the one accused of Sophie Le Tan’s murder: “I am still traumatized. It’s an address that remains etched in my head.”

Betsy met Jean-Marc Reiser a few months before the disappearance of the murdered young student, both attending a food aid association. When Betsy has to leave her apartment, she desperately searches for a place to store her things. Jean-Marc Reiser offered him his services and left him many messages, even knocking on his door. Frightened by his presence until her home, Betsy feels invaded, he tried to reassure her. The young student eventually gave in and left her belongings with Jean-Marc Reiser. When she entered his house, she saw several bottles of water already opened are placed on the table. Suspicious, she decided to take a new one. “He yelled at me, ‘why did you open another bottle?’ He was advancing towards me, he was turning into a monster”, explains the predator, scaring the student away.

A denouement which allowed Betsy to have her life saved, unlike Sophie Le Tan. Assassination with a carefully prepared trap to attract young single women looking for an apartment? Or, as Mr. Reiser maintains, murder in anger after refused advances? The jurors, four men and two women, will have until July 5 to try to understand what happened almost four years ago in Schiltigheim, a town bordering Strasbourg, leaving the family of the one who celebrated her 20th birthday. in immeasurable pain.

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