Murder of a trans prostitute: the defendants behind bars for at least 15 years?

The prosecution requested Thursday in Paris sentences of 15 and 20 years of criminal imprisonment against the two main defendants in the trial of the murder in the Bois de Boulogne in 2018 of Vanesa Campos, an undocumented transgender sex worker.

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Advocate General Olivier Auféril asked for the heaviest sentence, twenty years of criminal imprisonment, for Mahmoud Kadri, 24, who was named by all of his co-defendants as the one who shot Vanesa Campos on the night of 16 to August 17, 2018.

Against Karim Ibrahim, 29, also referred to the Paris Assize Court for “murder in an organized gang”, the representative of the prosecution requested a requalification as “complicity in murder” and a sentence of fifteen years of imprisonment.

The Advocate General also requested five-year prison sentences, one of which was suspended, against six other men aged 23 to 34 tried alongside them, for their participation in the punitive expedition that led to the murder or for stealing the murder weapon.

The prosecution requested that these prison sentences be accompanied for the eight defendants of Egyptian origin by a ban on carrying weapons, as well as a ban, for a period of ten years or definitive, from French territory. .

Vanesa Campos, a 36-year-old Peruvian prostitute, was killed near her workplace, in one of the most remote places in the Bois de Boulogne, in western Paris, devoid of public lighting.

The investigation quickly focused on a gang of Egyptian thieves, who had been raging in the woods for several years and had created a “climate of terror”, forcing South American transgender sex workers to hire “protectors”.

On the evening of the events, at least a dozen young Egyptians met in the Bois de Boulogne, to “regain control of the territory” according to the Advocate General. They had armed themselves with tear gas canisters, knives, branches torn directly from trees, as well as a pistol stolen a week earlier from a policeman’s car while the latter was with a prostitute.

The verdict is expected on Saturday.

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