Murder of a sixty-something | The alleged accomplice released

The young woman accused earlier this week of complicity after the fact in the murder of Luc Lafontaine in Montérégie was released Friday pending trial.

Posted at 3:28 p.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

Zoé Boutin, arrested last Monday, will however have to respect several conditions, including a curfew.

The crown did not oppose his release.

The young woman will have to stay at her parents’ home, not have any weapons and not communicate with her alleged accomplice, Nicolas Côté. She cannot refer to this case on social media.

He is also prohibited from communicating with the victim’s family.

“It is a condition aimed at protecting this family,” said prosecutor M.e Julie Sidara-Charron, before adding that the suspect is subject to “binding” conditions. »

The 18-year-old defendant quietly left the courtroom, escorted by her parents and defense attorney M.e Martin Latour. He declined our interview request.

Zoé Boutin is charged with complicity after the fact for the murder of Luc Lafontaine which occurred in La Prairie and with contempt of the body.

The young woman was arrested Monday, in Saint-Basile-le-Grand, in the company of her boyfriend, Nicolas Côté, 19, accused for his part of second degree murder and insult to a corpse.

The two young adults, who would have met at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, where they were studying, were then near the Richelieu River, where a boat was also seized.

With Vincent Larin, The Press

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