municipalities take action against illegal dumping of waste



Video length: 4 min

Cleanliness of cities: municipalities take action against illegal dumping of waste

Cleanliness of cities: municipalities take action against illegal dumping of waste – (France 2)

Illegal dumping disfigures cities. Some residents leave their waste in the street, outside the bins, cluttering the sidewalks and attracting rats.

Cardboard boxes, rubble or household waste illegally abandoned on the side of the road… illegal dumping is becoming more and more common in cities. Nearly a million tonnes of waste are abandoned each year in France, or 100 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower. To deal with this scourge, some cities are putting measures in place: surveillance cameras, fines, municipal employees responsible for identifying the culprits.

Those responsible hunted

“It annoys me at the attitude of people who have no conscience”, confides a resident of Reims where numerous illegal deposits form every day. For three years, a municipal brigade has been responsible for tracking down those responsible. In addition to moving this illegal waste to the recycling center, the cleaning agents collect clues to find the perpetrators of the offense. Once identified, they will have to reimburse the municipality for the costs incurred for the collection and processing of waste.

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