Municipal life has never been a paradise

The resignation of France Bélisle, mayor of Gatineau, has once again shone the spotlight on the throes of municipal political life.

• Read also: Climate of intimidation: the mayor of Gatineau, France Bélisle, resigns

For some time now, there has been concern, rightly so, about its deterioration. In April 2023, Quebec launched an awareness campaign whose theme was surprising, as it was so obvious: “Behind each municipal elected official, there is a person.”

Accentuated roughness

Two years earlier, Minister of Municipal Affairs Andrée Laforest announced an Action Plan to promote respect and civility. Among other things, sums were granted to finance legal recourse against harassers.

In other words, something is happening. New phenomena, perhaps growing. Sociologists could demonstrate that the pandemic, coupled with a rise in so-called “social” networks, has altered, even destroyed, civility.

  • Listen to the political meeting between Antoine Robitaille and Benoît Dutrizac via QUB :

Everyone is on edge. Among other things, because our lives are digital like never before, which makes us hyper-reactive, polarized and Manichean. Dehumanizing phenomena, which spoils relationships between citizens and elected officials, but also between elected officials.

Greater sensitivity

At the same time, a phenomenon related to #metoo has raised awareness of situations that were once brushed aside. The notion of “psychological harassment” at work was introduced into law in Quebec only 20 years ago. Last two decades where we have gradually become aware of these phenomena.

So we live in a world that is in some ways harsher; while at the same time, we tolerate harsh behavior less than ever.


But everything is not completely new.

Has municipal life ever been calm and marked by perfect civility? No, especially since “at the municipal level, you are within slapping distance of the citizen”, according to the French adage.

Screenshot, TVA News

I heard yesterday [mercredi] Councilor Alicia Despins denounces an “unprecedented” “toxic” climate in the beautiful city of Quebec. The behavior she describes is not funny. Those who say they are victims of bullying and harassment must be listened to. However, I am not saying “we believe you”, because this type of denunciation can also be exploited, especially in a political context.

Mme Despins evolved in the team of Régis Labeaume, a colorful character, whom she says she admires. But he had his dark sides. In the middle of the municipal council, he already said to one of his opponents: “I’m going to give you one in the forehead.” Chief magistrate, he has already described an elected official as a “maboule” and municipal employees as “system thugs”, creating a very unhealthy climate in Quebec. He himself had also complained of acts of intimidation on the part of union members.

“Should we be afraid of the mayor?” has already written the very level-headed now retired columnist of the Sun François Bourque. The Professional Federation of Journalists of Quebec, on two occasions, publicly denounced Mr. Labeaume’s “unjustifiable and unacceptable intimidation maneuvers” against the media.

Certainly, there is something new under the municipal sun. But a lost paradise where everything was calm and good understanding, nay.

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