Municipal election and school issues

The Movement for a Modern and Open School (MEMO) has been working in education for almost 35 years. At each election campaign, its members communicate to the candidates the issues of academic success that concern families and which must be the result of collaborative work between municipal and school communities.

The pandemic and the disappearance of school democracy in 2020 had major impacts on the community school. One of the priorities, according to MEMO, is that of sharing a common vision that contributes to the planning and development of neighborhoods and cities. What are the mayoral candidates’ commitments regarding local governance? This governance, which makes it possible to find solutions together in order to implement actions that have an impact on the educational success of students. What are their orientations regarding the sharing of premises, equipment and playgrounds in order to allow students and their families to enjoy cultural, leisure or sport facilities all year round? Do the municipal parties commit to getting involved in school perseverance, social development, popular education and food security? What are their priorities to fight against poverty? Do they claim one meal a day for all students in all schools, as most prosperous countries offer? Will they fund community organizations that support homework help?

In terms of architectural heritage, school spaces to be built or renovated, urban development and active and collective transport, what are their projects for the students? Are they ready to invest to improve the quality of life of these young people and families? Will they ensure safe travel around schools? Add school crossing guards and offer a quality public transport service to students? What are their commitments in terms of affordable, community and social housing, while the price of rents continues to increase, making the economic situation of families more precarious? In the metropolis, the reception of immigrant families and their francization are at the heart of the linguistic, social and economic future of Quebec. What are the candidates’ proposals to promote the harmonious inclusion of newcomers and long-term immigrant families?

These issues, which illustrate the necessary collaboration between municipal and school circles, are numerous and should not be approached only from the perspective of the governance of the school building stock or the chronic underfunding of the government of Quebec. We need commitments from municipal parties for the benefit of these students. MEMO expects mayoral candidates to provide concrete answers on these many topics in order to allow everyone to make an informed decision on November 7.

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