MTLàTABLE revives its classic formula

The MTLàTABLE event returns to a pre-pandemic formula for its 10e edition, which will take place from November 3 to 13.

Posted at 3:00 p.m.

Iris Gagnon Paradise

Iris Gagnon Paradise
The Press

The participating restaurants – 114 in all, thus offering a great diversity to eat – will put on their menu for the occasion three or four-course tables d’hôte in the evening at fixed prices of $35, $45 , $55 or $75.

In all, 15 Montreal neighborhoods are to be explored and establishments such as Foodlab Culinary Lab, Babacool, Bar Minéral, Magnolia, La Fabrique, Rose Ross, Madre, Restaurant Rita or Ratafia are to be discovered. Reservations are now open and we advise you not to delay.

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