MPs “worried” about the transport situation for the 2024 Olympics

Île-de-France Mobilités plans to carry 7 million passengers during the Olympic Games and 3 million during the Paralympics.

They launch the alert a year and a half of the competition. The rapporteurs of a parliamentary fact-finding mission on the Paris-2024 Olympic Games judged “disturbing” the transport situation in Île-de-France, Wednesday 15 February.

“Things are hopefully improving, but we are in a very worrying situation”, alerted MP Stéphane Peu (GDR, Nupes), during the presentation to the press of the progress report of a fact-finding mission on the fallout from the Olympics. This is being conducted with MP Stéphane Mazars (Renaissance), who mentioned a “alert point”.

“There is a multiplicity of uncoordinated actors on the subject: the RATP, Île-de-France Mobilités, the Grand Paris company, the Cojop [Comité d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’été de 2024]… Everyone was in their corner, in their hallway, and not talking to each other. And when they spoke to each other, it was to say that what was wrong was the fault of the other”, lamented Stéphane Peu.

Ten million travelers in the summer of 2024

Île-de-France Mobilités, the authority responsible for organizing transport in the Ile-de-France region, plans to transport 7 million passengers during the Olympic Games and 3 million during the Paralympics. In a letter addressed to the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune, the president of the Île-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, warned of the lack of financial resources to guarantee the proper functioning of transport during the Olympics. It thus claims commitments from the State.

In addition, infrastructure crucial to the Olympics, such as the north and south extensions of metro line 14, as well as the partial commissioning of the RER Eole, will not be delivered until spring 2024. The opening to competition of lines of bus, scheduled for early 2025, also raises fears of social unrest during the Olympics.

Faced with this situation, the government created a strategic mobility committee in the fall to coordinate the organization of transport for the Olympics.

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