The government amendment was adopted by 30 votes to 18. It provides for a grouping of France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde and Ina.
Reading time: 1 min

A first step. The deputies voted in committee, Tuesday May 14 in the evening, the merger of public audiovisual companies on January 1, 2026, wanted by the Minister of Culture Rachida Dati, but criticized by the left and the unions. The government amendment providing for this merger of France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde (RFI, France 24) and Ina was adopted by 30 votes to 18, as part of the examination at first reading of a proposal bill from the Senate.
“The political moment has come” for a “merger” in 2026, insisted the Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, by opening the legislative examination of this big bang of public audiovisual in committee. After one “intermediate phase” under a holding regime in 2025, “purpose” of this reform is “the unique company”assured Rachida Dati. “The subject is ripe”, she assured. According to her, public broadcasting has “undeniable strengths” but today “dispersed”which exposes it to “risk of weakening” facing competition from international platforms like Netflix. The giant company would have a budget of four billion euros and the reform would affect 16,000 employees.
For this first legislative stage, some 290 amendments must be studied until Wednesday. Then, the text must pass for first reading in the hemicycle on May 23 and 24, barring a legislative traffic jam which would push it back to June 24 or even September. Opposed to the project, the unions have already called a strike for two days in May.