MP Vincent Marissal requests the suspension of the study of Bill 15

The health spokesperson for Québec Solidaire, Vincent Marissal, asks Minister of Health Christian Dubé to suspend the study of Bill 15 aimed at creating the Santé Québec agency. He believes that the government must prioritize “the real world” and resolve the problems of the public network, such as the growing waiting lists for surgery.

“The people who are suffering, they are suffering now,” said Rosemont MP Vincent Marissal in a press scrum at the National Assembly on Wednesday. “There is not a single article [du PL-15], in the 1300 here, who will solve the problem of suffering of people who are waiting to have an operation, who are waiting for a mammogram because they do not know if they have cancer or not and they are constantly forced to go pay. »

“Considering the situation on the ground”, Vincent Marissal judges that Bill 15 can be put on hold. ” I ask [à M. Dubé] to urgently address problems on the ground. That means returning to the field, that means looking for solutions. Not trying to create for the moment a patent which will be called Santé Québec which, in addition, will relieve it of its political responsibilities. »

For Minister Christian Dubé, there is no question of suspending the study of Bill 15. “Never in my life! », he replied to journalists when he was questioned on this subject in a press scrum at the National Assembly.

Yesterday, the Minister of Health and Social Services revealed new data concerning the surgical waiting list: a little more than 5,000 Quebec patients were added to it in August. In dermatology, more than 100,000 consultations are pending, nearly 60% of which are late.

Further details will follow.

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