The Ensemble pour la République group now has only 95 elected representatives in the National Assembly, with this fourth departure in less than a month.
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Door slamming among the Macronists. Stella Dupont, MP for the left wing of the Macronie, announced her departure from the Ensemble pour la République (formerly Renaissance) group on Wednesday October 2. The elected official cites a disagreement with the “right-wing government”and with “the group line” on tax justice. This is the fourth departure in less than a month from the Macronist group, which will therefore have 95 deputies.
In an interview with Parisian the member related to the group justified her decision by a disagreement on “the composition” of the relative majority supporting the government, “especially with LRs which are far from [ses] values, and also taking into account the still vague perspectives provided by the Prime Minister” in its general policy statement. “As things stand, as a woman of the center left, I cannot support this government”she summarizes in a press release. “The parliamentary group to which I am related has chosen to join the government majority, which is not my choice.”
“The government is made up of individuals likely to defend priorities that are distant, or even very distant, from my vision of the action to be taken.”
Stella Dupont, deputy for Maine-et-Loirein a press release
In a message published on a loop of Macronist deputies, consulted by AFP, she also disapproves “ambiguity” that Michel Barnier “conversed with the RN since the unacceptable reframing” by Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy. The latter was reprimanded for having said he was ready to work with the political forces of the“republican arch”while excluding the RN from this perimeter.
She criticizes Michel Barnier for not having shown the same severity towards the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau, for his outings on “the rule of law” who is not “not intangible, nor sacred”. A “double standards”she denounces in her press release, “while I have always fought these positions of the extreme right”.
She also assumes “a point of disagreement” with the Ensemble pour la République group on tax justice. “I was in favor of the idea of a tax on superprofits from 2022, for example”she recalled in The Parisian. Stella Dupont will sit, at least for a time, among the non-registered deputies alongside Sophie Errante and Sacha Houlié, other deputies from the macronie having slammed the door over substantive differences. But she will “with the hope that a social democratic group can emerge in the coming weeks in the hemicycle”.