MP Aurélien Taché and his New Democrats party join Europe Ecologie-Les Verts

It was a political fight that he had been leading for several months. Deputy Aurélien Taché succeeded in merging his party, Les Nouveaux Démocrates, within Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), AFP learned on Sunday October 23, confirming information from the Parisian.

The arrival of the deputy of Val-d’Oise and around 250 members – out of the 600 or so that make up the party, created in 2020 – was validated during an electronic vote of the Federal Council of EELV on October 16. “I will join the motion of Sophie Bussière, the Ecological Spring at the next congress”, declared the deputy who already sits in the environmental group in the National Assembly.

This motion signed by the former presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, but also by the former number 2 of EELV, Sandra Regol, will face, during the party congress scheduled for November 26 and December 10, that of the previous leadership, led by Julien Bayou – before his resignation from his post as national secretary of the party in September – and now led by the municipal councilor of Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), Marine Tondelier.

At the end of September, Aurélien Taché had asked for the process of merging his political movement to be interrupted, observing “a lot of reluctance from the current management”. As reminded The Parisian, He then mentioned “a shrinking reflex as the congress approaches”.

But with the numerous and recent changes at the head of the party, the merger of his political movement with EELV has once again become more natural and Aurélien Taché’s objective is clear: “Do this refoundation of the party that we have been waiting for for a while”to create the conditions for“a great environmentalist party, a party that is opening up, a mass party that is really preparing for the exercise of power”.

At AFP, the parliamentarian, elected under the Macronist label in 2017, also pleads for “a popular ecology” and prefer to talk of “ecological prosperity and shared sobriety rather than decline”.

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