MP Aurélien Taché accused of insulting police officers in a bar

The former deputy of La République en Marche insulted the police who intervened when he had been attacked, in Niort.

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An investigation was opened after a fight in Niort (Deux-Sèvres), following which the deputy of Val-d’Oise Aurélien Taché (ex-LREM) is accused of having insulted the police. “An investigation is underway”said the Niort prosecutor’s office to AFP on Wednesday February 9, specifying that the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) had not “not filed a complaint”.

The Alliance union denounces “a new skid of an elected representative of the Republic”. According to the weekly PointAurélien Taché was attacked in a bar in Niort – his hometown – on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, then allegedly insulted the agents of the Anti-Crime Brigade called to intervene. “You are shitty bastards”would have said in particular the deputy, according to police officers quoted by Point.

According to his lawyer, Aurélien Taché “was the victim of an assault”receiving “many blows, particularly to the head and face”which earned him two days of temporary incapacity for work (ITT). “These words, the violence of which he can only regret, were spoken (…) while he was in a state of amazement linked to the physical and psychological shock he had just suffered”, explained Jade Dousselin to AFP. The SGP police unit union in Niort will “ask at least a public apology if the facts are proven”, declared its representative Pascal Valès to an AFP correspondent. Contacted, the deputy did not want to speak.

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