The elected official from Rhône is notably accused of having appeared on a leaflet from the Horizons party or of having participated in a meeting of Edouard Philippe’s party on security.
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The Rhône deputy Alexandre Vincendet was excluded from the Les Républicains group after having given his support to Edouard Philippe (Horizons), the franceinfo political service learned on Wednesday March 6 from an internal source at LR, confirming information from the Figaro. The MP is accused of having appeared on a leaflet from the Horizons party, founded by former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, or of having participated in a meeting of this movement on security.
The LR parliamentary group explained, in a press release, that“Alexandre Vincendet has registered himself, through repeated and systematic positions in favor of the government, against” of his political line. “I simply said that I defended a political line different from that of the leader”defended himself the elected official at franceinfo, who announced that he would appeal this decision. The group’s office adopted its decision by 13 votes for and two against.
“It’s a Stalinist trial!”protests the former councilor of the metropolis of Lyon. “I didn’t even have access to the case against me”he continues, saying to himself “sad” for his political family“who is very ill”. “There is an authoritarian drift under the leadership of Laurent Wauquiez”believes Alexandre Vincendet.