moving tribute from Dounia Coesens to Michel Cordes, star actor of “Plus belle la vie”!

The fans of More beautiful life are in mourning. Almost 6 months after the sudden cessation of the cult series of France 3, Michel Cordes, alias Roland Marci, was found dead at his home this Friday, May 5, 2023. “According to the information we have, Mr. Cordes would have voluntarily killed himself by firearm at his home in Grabels”, said Jean-Christophe Tixier, vice-prosecutor of the city. A hypothesis that the neighbors of the 77-year-old actor seem to confirm in the columns of Parisian.

In shock, fans of More beautiful life as the cast members multiply the tributes on social networks. On Instagram, Dounia Coesens sent a tender message to the “grandfather” that she doesn’t have “never had”. “Michel… I was 15 years old. I needed love and kindness because I knew nothing about the job, I was a child. A child lost in these big studios with big cameras pointed at her. I quickly understood, you gave me your smile then your arms… You reassured me, gave me confidence. Then the years passed and as soon as we met, you always tried to find out if something was wrong. was wrong, if I was in love, if I was happy… You were a listening ear, like a grandfather that I never had. You gave us so much happiness and love. I miss you . Your down jacket”writes the one who has long slipped into the skin of Johanna Marci.

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Pierre Martot annihilated

For his part, Pierre Martot also took to his networks to honor the memory of the 77-year-old actor. “Through the character of Roland, millions of people have recognized in you a father, a grandfather, a friend, a brother! You were the living embodiment of something very deep in this country – it is for that’s why people liked you so much. You didn’t have to push yourself a lot to get angry at injustices and pretense. Often, it made you laugh too! You were so authentic! And hands twice like mine. It was easy to play comedy with you: you knew men well. Your character had the same first name as my father! I never imagined that you would leave so quickly! I loved be with you, Michel.” Meaningful words.


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