Movember, the mustache to raise awareness of male diseases


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1 minute

Health: Movember, the mustache to raise awareness of male diseases

Health: Movember, the mustache to raise awareness of male diseases – (franceinfo)

Created in 2003, the Movember foundation continues its fight to raise awareness of male cancers. For her 20th birthday, she is developing a new focus around mental health.

Every year, in November, the mustache is militant. The Movember Foundation invites men to grow a mustache to raise awareness about male diseases, such as prostate cancer or testicular cancer. Studies show that men go to the doctor less often than women, sometimes to the detriment of their health. And some cancers continue to kill every year. “It is important to screen for male cancers, particularly prostate cancers, because as we know, there are more than 60,000 each year in France and, above all, more than 8,000 deaths”explains Damien Mascret.

Mental health taboo among men

This year is even more decisive than ever because the Movember foundation is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Since 2003, she has been mobilizing to prevent men from dying too young, and now she is extending her action to mental health, a subject which still remains taboo among men.

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