Mouth open and exhausted, Ben Affleck falls asleep while cruising in Paris!

Getting married is tiring! Ben Affleck, who recently said “yes” to Jennifer Lopez, fell asleep on an armchair while cruising on the Seine in Paris with his darling. A scene immortalized in photos. These have made the rounds on social media. We see the actor of Gone Girl, mouth open, sleeping peacefully, head tilted to the sky. As a reminder, the couple was in Paris to enjoy their honeymoon.

According to our colleagues from Closer, they would have already walked a lot in the streets of the capital since their arrival. They would have gone to the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre or even the Jardins des Tuileries. They would also have made an amazing trip to a video game store. “They walked around the store for 30-40 minutes and came away with typical purchases, i.e. games, controllers, that sort of thing“, would have told a salesman of the shop at the time of their visit, reports the HuffPost.

“A Second Chance”

As a reminder, the two stars had ignited the web last year by giving their couple a chance, when they had separated in 2004. “It’s a beautiful love story that we got a second chance“, confided the interpreter of On the Floor to the magazine People last February. The couple, nicknamed “Bennifer” (which corresponds to the contraction of their first names), became “inseparable” from. So much so that they would have bought a house together in Beverly Hills, according to the American site TMZ.

But during their long separation from 2004 to 2021, the two lovebirds had gone elsewhere. The 53-year-old New Yorker had fallen into the arms of singer Marc Anthony, with whom she had twins (Max and Emme), before getting in a relationship with dancer Casper Smart. She also reportedly had an affair with rapper Drake. For his part, Ben Affleck had married actress Jennifer Garner. From their relationship were born three children: Violet, Seraphina and Samuel.

Since then, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are reunited again, forming a magnificent blended family. Long live the couple, and the newlyweds!

The couple has since left Paris on July 27, Ben for Los Angeles and Jennifer for Italy.

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