Mountain: rescuers in difficulty during hot weather


Article written by

T. Souman, P.-J. Perrin, E.PirosaPGHM of Briançon – France 2

France Televisions

In the middle of next week, the heat is expected to hit France again. This is an inconvenient factor for helicopter rescuers in the mountains, as the heat weighs on these devices.

The heat wave is likely to hit France again next week. This warming is particularly troublesome for high mountain rescuers who carry out their task in helicopters. The gears are damaged by heat, as the shows the captain of the gendarmerie Éric Guichard: “The machine was really at its power limit and we encountered enormous difficulties in extracting the two climbers.” It also reveals that the heat pulls the helicopter down to the ground.

When the rescuers intervene at high altitude, the power of the helicopter is at its maximum, it then begins to fall naturally, which delays the rescue since the operation has to be carried out again. “We are more and more confronted with this”warns the captain. To hold up during scorching temperatures, the machines are filled with less gasoline, so they are lighter and more subject to gusts of wind. The climate is now taken into account in the piloting instructions, so the helicopters could be replaced by new models.

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