Mount-Royal | An organization denounces the presence of swastikas carved in the snow

A group for the advocacy of Canadian Jews is dismayed that several swastikas were carved in the snow of a community skating rink on the island of Montreal.

Alice Girard-Bossé

Alice Girard-Bossé

“It is alarming to see the ice rink, such a fundamental symbol of Canadian identity and of winter fun that draws children and families to be sullied by symbols of hate,” said Michael Mostyn, CEO of B ‘nai Brith Canada, a Canadian Jewish advocacy and service organization, in a statement.

“This repugnant act of anti-Semitism must be condemned by all, and we hope that the perpetrators will be identified and held accountable,” he added.

Tuesday evening, a member of the Jewish community visited the outdoor skating rink at Danyluk Park in Mont-Royal. His video shows at least four swastikas on the surface of the rink.

The organization reported the incident to the hate crimes unit of the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) and notified Peter Malouf, Mayor of Mount Royal. Mayor Malouf has launched an investigation, the organization said. The authors remain unidentified for the moment.

“Tuesday’s incident is far from being the first anti-Semitic outrage involving sports facilities in Canada,” said the organization. In August, participants in a Toronto-area Jewish baseball league found a giant swastika drawn in the sand on a baseball field where they were scheduled to play.

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