Motorway: should the speed be lowered to 110km/h?



Article written by

J. Lonchampt, E. Meyer, P. Achere, N. Salem, A. Da Silva – France 3

France Televisions

Should speed be limited to 110km/h on the motorway in the interest of the climate? The debate is put back on the table by public figures who believe that this would be beneficial for the planet and purchasing power.

The government plans to increase the maximum speed on the highway from 110 to 130 km/h. The idea to limit pollution divides. “130 is already good. So if it’s for ecology why not. But I am not for”testifies a motorist Monday, October 31. “I’m up for it and I already do it when I’m driving”exclaims a woman. The transition to 110 would also make it possible to save 125 euros in fuel on average over a year.

“Driving at 110 km/h instead of 130 km/h means -20% fuel consumption, and -20% on our greenhouse gas emissions”supports a forum for 110 km/h published in the JDD October 30. On a journey of 250 kilometers, switching to 110 would lengthen the trip by 21 minutes. Longer journeys may discourage motorists from using the highways. “We are going to bring cars closer to city centers and therefore bring pollution to city centers. (…) It seems like a good idea, but when you look at it in practice, it’s not necessarily so”according to Fabrice Godefroy, expert mobility and the environment for 40 million motorists. In France, the average speed on the highway would be 118 km/h.

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