Video length: 2 min.
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A recent Vinci survey on road behavior tells us that motorists continue to use their phones while driving. This is especially true among young people, where one in four say they watch videos while driving.
Each time, the gesture is furtive. One hand on the wheel, the other on the phone. Behaviors that France 2 was able to observe on the A67 motorway. Most motorists recognize calling while driving. “We tend to consult easily, even while driving”, explains a motorist. According to a study commissioned by the motorway manager Vinci, 62% of motorists say they call while driving. In the viewfinder, there are in particular young drivers, who are particularly connected.
3 license collection points
23% of people under 35 say they watch videos while driving. A very worrying finding for the network manager and for the gendarmes. Each person caught in the act risks a withdrawal of 3 license points and a fine of 135 euros. Throughout the Ascension weekend, the gendarmes will be required to monitor incivility. Risky behavior, scrutinized by the police, as the traffic on the A67 motorway intensifies. 120,000 vehicles are expected this Wednesday, twice as many as normal.